#65 Whatevertown Book Club

28 January 2020

We're back! Happy New Year and so on. This week we reveal our Whatevertown Book Club submissions, talk about when coffee smells its best, what rockstars and superstars have to do with business, and more!

Book Club

How Do You Take Your Coffee?

  • Coffee smells: Freshly opened bag v Freshly ground v Fresh cup.

The Biz

  • Superstars ⭐️ & Rockstars 🤘

Would You Rather

  • …smoke three cigarettes a day for five years to receive $5,000,000 (CAD) immediately (money turns to debt if the streak of 3×/day is broken)? If not, how many days would you do this for in exchange for $5M? (Thanks for the submission, Chris!)


Programming note: We’re switching to releasing every other week – for scheduling reasons, and so we have some time to work on a new spin-off project that we’re excited about. We’ll see you again in two weeks. Thanks.